8 Tips for Staying Hydrated and Energised on the Road
If you’re a trucker or a business owner who drives your own truck, you know exactly what we mean when we say driving for short and long hauls is hard. You have probably pulled almost every trick there is in the books for staying awake on the road, but it still is extremely challenging. The sound or noise coming from your truck plus the same scenery that seem endless are so powerful that it can easily put you into a deep trance.
Now this repeating scenario on the road not only puts you closer to danger but also, it can take a toll on your health and wellness. That is why, most experts would say that in order for you to stay safe and healthy while driving long distances is to do all measures to keep yourself hydrated and energised.
So how are you going to do that? Not to worry. Being reliable old truck buyers and recyclers, we here at Advance Truck Wreckers Melbourne have put together some easy-to-follow tips so you could keep yourself healthy, awake and alert on the road.
Take a nap and eat a hearty full meal before travelling.
Doctors are definitely not kidding around when they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast simply sets the tone for the whole day. Hence, what you eat for breakfast can either slow you down or boost your energy to keep you going. So take a full and healthy meal before you start working. An example of a full and healthy breakfast consists of: 2 eggs, whole wheat bread, an apple or banana, and yogurt.
In the same way, if you already know that you’re going in for a long drive, take an opportunity to nap right before. Well aside from a full night’s sleep, taking a 20-30 minute nap already makes a big difference in giving you the energy you need for the long haul.
More water less coffee.
When you are dehydrated, it is easier for your body to get tired and sleepy. Right after you get up in the morning, make sure you drink at least 8 ounces of water to keep yourself hydrated. And yes, coffee can keep awake. However, its effect will only last for just a short period of time. Thing is, once its effect wears off, you’ll immediately get sleepy again. Plus, it’s a diuretic – as compared to regular water, it’ll make you pee more than you should.
So, if you want to keep yourself hydrated, go for the normal water. Keep a jug or water bottle always at bay. And when you feel thirsty, don’t chug the whole bottle, just take a few sips every now and then. An added tip: to help balance your body’s PH, put in some slices of lemon or lime inside your water jug.
Keep away from the junk food.
Snacking is really fun during long drives – it sure keeps you busy and awake. However, you must also keep in mind that chunking on those chips or M&M’s won’t do you any good. And while we know that eating fast food or food from convenience stores is faster and easier for you, take into mind that these foods are full or salt, sugar, and fat that would all contribute to making you even more tired and sleepy afterwards.
Good and healthy snacks you can consider are mixed nuts, dried fruits, and whole grain cereals. These snacks will not only keep you busy, but they’ll also keep your health in check.
Take your vitamins.
Along with your healthy meal, don’t forget to take your vitamins. Regardless of your age, taking vitamins C and B can sure boost your energy for the whole day.
Keep your mind busy.
Keeping your mind busy is one way to keep yourself awake during a long drive. But just so you know, be careful in selecting those activities so won’t lose your focus in driving. Music does help in keeping you energized. Just an added tip shuffle and mix up your playlists so you won’t easily get used to it. We suggest choosing songs that you can sing and even dance to – don’t worry no one can see you.
You may also want to listen to audiobooks or even language tutorials while you’re at it. These could engage you and keep you less bored on the road.
Open up the windows.
Regardless if the air outside is cold or not, getting a different breeze could definitely you feel less tired and sleepy. Let the oxygen flow by opening your windows even just for a short while. It’ll definitely give you a jolt of alertness. But don’t get too carried away with the breeze for a long time as it can also feel sleepy.
Stop and do some exercises.
When you have done almost everything to keep yourself energised, but your body keeps telling you that you really do need some rest, then don’t hesitate to heed to it. Remember, pulling over and taking a rest even for just half an hour is better than forcing yourself to drive when your eyes are really about to close. Once you pull over, take deep breaths repeatedly then take a cat’s nap for about 15-20 mins. Then, before heading off to drive again, get down from your truck and do some exercises to make you feel alert and awake again. Move those joints and muscles so you could keep going again for a long time. And remember, stay hydrated.
It sure is dangerous on the road most especially if you’re tired, bored, and sleepy. So for all the truck drivers out there, make sure to follow these 8 tips so you could keep yourself healthy, hydrated, and energised even while on the road for a long time.
Now if your old rig is already too beat-up and unroadworthy, and you’re looking for truck wreckers who are reputable for paying reasonable amount of cash for trucks, cash for old trucks, and cash for scrap trucks, look no further than Advance Truck Wreckers. Our friendly operators are ready 24/7 to help you with your truck removal and sell my truck needs.