Smart Tips for Driving on Unsealed Roads
Driving through the Australian outback is indeed a fun and exciting experience. But because the country has a very complicated and diverse landscape, it can also be dangerous. Not all roads are unsealed. But most of them are muddy, narrow, dusty, rocky, and uneven. If it’s your first time to be taking a certain route, you’ll never know what’s waiting for you at the next bend. Thus, just like with other driving situations, it’s best to be well-prepared.
With our team of expert’s know-how and over 20 years experience in driving and car maintenance, Advance Truck Wreckers is here to provide you with easy and smart tips for driving so you could ensure your safety as well as enjoy your outback trip to the fullest.
Before heading off…
Days before your trip, plan your travel well. Know exactly which roads you’re going to take. Even if you’ll use a GPS navigation system, it’s important that you still bring a detailed and updated map with you. Calculate your total travel time including the stops you’re making. Get the weather report in the places you’ll be heading off to. It is also good if you could research about the road conditions and driving regulations in those unfamiliar places.
We also recommend that you check the condition of your car at least a day before. So that, if anything need to be fixed or replaced, you’d still have some time. Check your tyres (including your spares), all essential fluids, battery, windshield wipers, and lights.
We understand how you could be excited and overwhelmed. However, you have to keep in mind that you need to be well-rested and have enough sleep the night before your trip. We couldn’t stress this more; but please, abstain from drinking – not until you have arrived at your destination. Lastly, make sure your phone has a full battery.
Though it is recommended to bring a 4×4 vehicle to this trip, we know that there really could be times when you simply have no choice. If you to bring a compact SUV or sedan, just make sure it is in its best shape and you won’t carry too much weight in your vehicle.
During the drive..
- Because there are lots of roads that have loose gravel, slippery mud patches, potholes, small rocks, and dust, it’s better for you to maintain a slow-to-average speed. It is never advised to speed up when driving on unsealed roads. Go at an average of 50 kph.
- Turn your headlights and fog lamps whenever it’s necessary. Never drive into a road that you can’t see clearly.
- If you are travelling to a very far off place, it is best that you take a 15-minute break every two hours to refresh your mind, relax your body, and check your vehicle; or immediately when you feel sleepy or fatigued. You may also opt to take driving turns with your family or mates during the whole trip.
- If you are travelling with your friends on a convoy, don’t drive too close to each other’s cars. Drive at least 60m apart from each other.
- When you see an animal from afar, immediately reduce your speed. Never swerve. Gently hit on your brakes then stop if the animal still hasn’t crossed the street completely. Honk if you have to. The key is to be patient. If you do stop, turn on your hazard lights on so the motorist behind you can adjust accordingly.
- If you had no choice but to drive in wet weather, keep your headlights on low beam and slow down. If you see that the road is extremely wet, drive slowly with your foot on the brake pedal. Should you see a blocked road due to flood, never attempt to go in.
- If your car unfortunately gets stuck in sand or mud, never ever spin your wheels because you’re only digging much deeper into it. Be calm.
- There’s a possibility that you’ll have a hard time stopping your vehicle because of the loose gravel, so to avoid this, again, slow down and never hit your brakes suddenly.
Does your car or 4×4 have had enough of those outback trips that its damages are already beyond repair? Maybe it’s time for you to let it go now. Advance Truck Wreckers, one of Melbourne’s leading truck buyers and truck wreckers, is here to help you out. We will remove your wrecked vehicle for free, and we’ll even help you kickstart your fund to get a new one by paying you top instant cash for old trucks.
Call us now at 0405 063 700 or simply click [here] to get the current value for your car right this instant.